Support Letter – AB 392 and Oppose Letter – SB 230 – Police Use of Deadly Force

Please submit a letter in support of AB 392 and in opposition to SB 230 regarding police use of deadly force in California.

How to submit a letter:

  1. Make a copy of this letter template in support of AB 392.
  2. Make a copy of this letter template in opposition to SB 230.
  3. Check out our tutorial on how to submit a letter.
  4. Submit the letter using the instructions at the top of the template letter.


We did amazing work last year on AB 3131. It would have added transparency into police militarization. Though that bill was ultimately vetoed, we moved it so much further than anyone thought was possible and demonstrated the impact of our collective power.

This year, the California legislature will be considering AB 392 to change the police use of deadly force policy in California — this is the new version of AB 931 from last year, which stalled in the last days of session. Given the high incidence of police shootings in California and their disproportionate impact on people of color, it is important than ever that we stand as allies with the communities most impacted by police violence.