State Crunch Time Call-in Week: May 20-24
The last two weeks of May are an exciting time in the California legislature — hundreds of bills will face a floor vote before the crossover deadline on May 31!
This means ALL of our legislators will be voting on critical policies that will affect the lives of all Californians. They need to hear from us. We’re planning to flood their offices with calls the week of May 20th to let them know how we want them to vote on the Indivisible CA statewide priorities!
If we coordinate our calls on the same day, we are more likely to have a bigger impact so we’re planning to call about a different bill each day. We have everything you need in this toolkit including a call script and sample social messaging! Please get the word out to your group and use our patch through number so we can track how many calls we make!
Note: There is no need to call the cosponsors listed as they already support!
Monday, May 20: AB 4 / SB 29 – Health4All
Expands access to Medi-Cal to undocumented immigrants of all ages.
Co-sponsors: Bonta, Chiu, Santiago, Durazo, Carillo, Gipson, Reyes
Call Script
Hello, my name is <NAME> from <TOWN> and I’m a constituent of <Senator/ Assemblymember> <NAME> from Indivisible. I’m calling to ask <Senator/Assemblymember> <NAME> to support <SB 29/ AB 4> to expand Medi-Cal access to undocumented immigrants. California is stronger when everyone has access to healthcare and we are all healthier when everyone is covered. Can I count on <Senator/Assemblymember> <NAME> to vote YES on <SB 29/ AB 4> on the <Senate/Assembly floor this week?
Sample Tweet
#AB4 and #SB29 would expand Medi-Cal to undocumented immigrants of all ages.
Join our call-in day TODAY for #Health4All!
☎️ 760-891-CALI, press 3 to be connected. Ask your Senator to vote YES on #SB29 & your Assemblymember to vote YES on #AB4.

Tuesday, May 21: AB 392 – Act to Save Lives
Changes the standard for use of deadly force by police from “reasonable” to only as a last resort and mandates de-escalation.
Co-sponsors: Weber, McCarty, Bradford, Holden, Mitchell, Medina, M.Stone
Call Script
Hello, my name is from and I’m a constituent of Assemblymember from Indivisible. I’m calling to ask Assemblymember to support AB 392 to change California’s policy for police use of deadly force. Too many people, mostly young men of color, are killed at the hands of police every year with no justice due to our weak standard for use of force. This needs to end. Can I count on Assembly member to vote YES on AB 392 on the Assembly floor this week?
Sample Tweet
#AB392 will save lives by raising the standard for police use of deadly force.. #LetUsLive
Join our call-in day TODAY for the Act to Save Lives!
☎️ 760-891-CALI, press 2 to be connected to your Assemblymember to ask them to vote YES on #AB392.
Wednesday, May 22: AB 32 – End Private Prisons
Prohibits CA Dept of Corrections & Rehabilitations from entering into or renewing contracts with private, for-profit prisons.
Co-sponsors: Bonta, Chiu, Gloria, Gonzalez, Kamlager-Dove, Santiago
Call Script
Hello, my name is <NAME> from <TOWN> and I’m a constituent of Assemblymember <NAME> from Indivisible. I’m calling to ask Assemblymember <NAME> to support AB 32 to prohibit for-profit prisons in California. No one should profit from human incarceration, especially as our state has refocused our corrections system towards rehabilitation. Can I count on Assemblymember <NAME> to vote YES on AB 32 on the Assembly floor this week?
Sample Tweet
#AB32 will end for-profit prisons in California. No one should profit from human incarceration.
Join our call-in day TODAY to #EndPrivatePrisons! ☎️ 760-891-CALI, press 2 to be connected to your Assemblymember to ask them to vote YES on #AB32.

Thursday, May 23: SB 200 / AB 217 – Drinking Water
Establishes a Safe Drinking Water Fund to provide secure access to safe drinking water for all Californians.
Co-sponsors: Monning, E.Garcia, Bloom, Bonta, Carrillo , Chau, Chiu, Gipson, Holden, Quirk , R.Rivas, M.Stone, Wicks
Call Script
Hello, my name is <NAME> from <TOWN> and I’m a constituent of <Senator/ Assemblymember> <NAME> from Indivisible. I’m calling to ask <Senator/ Assemblymember> <NAME> to support <SB 200/ AB 217> to ensure that all Californians have access to clean, safe drinking water. Can I count on <Senator/ Assemblymember> <NAME> to vote YES on <SB 200/ AB 217> on the <Senate/ Assembly> floor this week?
Sample Tweet
#SB200 & #AB217 will ensure that all Californians have access to clean, safe drinking water. #NoToxicTaps
Join our call-in day TODAY for clean water! ☎️ 760-891-CALI, press 3 to be connected. Ask your Senator to vote YES on #SB200 & your Assemblymember to vote YES on #AB217.

Friday, May 24: AB 1217 – Issue Ad DISCLOSE Act
Requires top 3 funders of issue ads meant to influence legislative or administrative actions.
Co-sponsors: Mullin, Aguiar-Curry, Berman , Dodd , Grayson, Hertzberg, Hill , Mayes, Portantino , Ting, Wieckowski
Call Script
Hello, my name is <NAME> from <TOWN> and I’m a constituent of Assemblymember <NAME> from Indivisible. I’m calling to ask Assemblymember <NAME> to support AB 1217 to require disclosure of funders for issue advertisements. I am concerned about big money interests secretly trying to kill legislation using issue attack ads and believe we deserve to know who is paying for these types of ads. Can I count on Assemblymember <NAME> to vote YES on AB 1217 on the Assembly floor?
Sample Tweet
#AB1217 will require issue ads to reveal their top donors because Californians have a right to know.
Join our call-in day TODAY for disclosure!
☎️ 760-891-CALI, press 2 to be connected to your Assemblymember to ask them to vote YES on #AB1217.